Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Feb 2015

Coogan's Bluff. Dir Don Siegel. Clint Eastwood. New York sans skyscrapers, almost. Can't believe I hadn't seen it. 3.5/5.
The Good Wife is back. mfl
Alien 3. 2.5/5. Interesting cast and set. Too much swearing (saved them writing a script?) Not enough aliens.
The Last Detail. Jack Nicholson. 3/5. Sometimes interesting, sometimes boring or self-indulgent.
The Frightened Lady. 1940. 3.5/5. Marius Goring. Excellent. Worth rewatching. Made at Beaconsfield.
Alien Resurrection. 3.5/5. Pretty good. Better than 3. Written by Joss Whedon.
The Abominable Snowman. Found it at last... 3.5/5. Hammer.
Broadchurch finished. So many characters I didn't like. 2/5
Wolf Hall finished. Really good Tudor-paced drama. 3/5


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